Did you know that nail polish often contains toxic chemicals and the
U.S. EPA considers nail polish to be household hazardous waste (HHW)?
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Environmental Consultant John White explained the difference between residential and commercial proper disposal:
"Nail polish typically contains a large amount of volatile organic solvent which gives it the distinctive odor. The solvent will make the nail polish ignitable, meaning it has a flashpoint less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Waste generated by a business with a flashpoint less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit would be regulated as a hazardous waste and would need to be shipped to a facility permitted to accept such waste.
If the waste nail polish is generated by a
business, in any amount, then it would be regulated as a hazardous waste
if it exhibits any characteristic identified in 40 CFR Part 261
Subpart C, this includes ignitability with a flashpoint below 140
degrees Fahrenheit. Businesses must ensure proper disposal of hazardous
waste which entails using a hazardous waste transporter registered in
Florida and shipping the waste to a permitted treatment,
storage, or disposal facility – typically out of state. The regulations
for hazardous waste generators are in 40 CFR Part 260-268 and are
adopted in 62-730, FAC.
Companies that generate more than 220 pounds in any calendar month must notify the state and federal government that they are managing hazardous waste. It is a simple form that identifies the location and type of wastes generated.
To summarize the information received from FDEP:
But if it is hazardous, should we even be applying polish to our nails?
A good alternative (for many reasons!) is to use non-toxic nail polish. "Most non-toxic nail polishes are three-free, meaning they do not contain formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate. Beyond that, polishes go as far as being nine-, or 10-, or even 14-free."
There are many brands that fit the bill and will not include certain toxic components but why not top that with a cruelty-free, vegan product? If you are looking for that option? There are plenty of brands out there - like Adesse New York (12-free), 786 (11-free), IBN (11-free), Cirque Colors (10-free), Karma Organic (7-free), Cote (6-free) - and Pure (16-free) was one of the more reasonably priced of them and with the least toxicity. Do your own research and consider switching to a healthier and more humane option.

"Nail polish typically contains a large amount of volatile organic solvent which gives it the distinctive odor. The solvent will make the nail polish ignitable, meaning it has a flashpoint less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Waste generated by a business with a flashpoint less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit would be regulated as a hazardous waste and would need to be shipped to a facility permitted to accept such waste.
Waste generated by Homeowners in Florida is
excluded from regulation as a hazardous waste under Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) 261.4(b)(1). The regulations in 40
CFR that pertain to hazardous waste are adopted by Florida in the
Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62-730. So, under this exclusion, if
the nail polish is generated by a household (this does not include an
in-home business) then the waste nail polish is not
regulated as a hazardous waste and may be disposed of in the trash.
Since disposal of chemicals is a recognized threat to Florida’s
groundwater, most counties in Florida have household hazardous waste
collection centers to ensure proper collection and disposal
of these excluded wastes. Brevard County has managed a household
hazardous waste program for many years now. The contact is Rita Perini;
Rita.Perini@brevardfl.gov or (321) 633-1888.
Companies that generate more than 220 pounds in any calendar month must notify the state and federal government that they are managing hazardous waste. It is a simple form that identifies the location and type of wastes generated.
Most nail salons would be considered very small
quantity generators, which means they would generate less than 220
pounds of hazardous waste in a calendar month. These companies do not
need to notify the state but they still need to properly
manage any waste."
To summarize the information received from FDEP:
2. Businesses anywhere in Florida that generate more than 220 pounds in any
calendar month should have a special service to collect their nail polish product
and must notify the state and federal government that they
are managing hazardous waste. Businesses generating less than 220 pounds/month do not
need to notify the state but they still need to properly
manage any waste.
Nail Polish Reusing
Other alternative for unwanted, but still liquid, nail polish is to reuse it to seal, mark, decorate or repair various items you already use. Some may even find crafts, like making nail polish pencils and pens or miniature snow globes, as good ways to reuse old nail polish bottles but be mindful of how you dispose of any remnants -- regular nail polish is toxic.
Nail Polish Recycling
Even though not recyclable in regular curbside programs, despite being toxic, nail polish can be recycled. Companies like Chemwise offer recycling services and a mail-in option for liquid nail polish. Through their SMARTbeauty pack, they are able to recycle the polish, the glass container, and the plastic applicator. Instead of throwing nail polish in the trash, you may choose to go a step further and recycle it!
Something Else to Consider
Nail Polish Reusing
Other alternative for unwanted, but still liquid, nail polish is to reuse it to seal, mark, decorate or repair various items you already use. Some may even find crafts, like making nail polish pencils and pens or miniature snow globes, as good ways to reuse old nail polish bottles but be mindful of how you dispose of any remnants -- regular nail polish is toxic.
Nail Polish Recycling
Even though not recyclable in regular curbside programs, despite being toxic, nail polish can be recycled. Companies like Chemwise offer recycling services and a mail-in option for liquid nail polish. Through their SMARTbeauty pack, they are able to recycle the polish, the glass container, and the plastic applicator. Instead of throwing nail polish in the trash, you may choose to go a step further and recycle it!
Something Else to Consider
A good alternative (for many reasons!) is to use non-toxic nail polish. "Most non-toxic nail polishes are three-free, meaning they do not contain formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate. Beyond that, polishes go as far as being nine-, or 10-, or even 14-free."
There are many brands that fit the bill and will not include certain toxic components but why not top that with a cruelty-free, vegan product? If you are looking for that option? There are plenty of brands out there - like Adesse New York (12-free), 786 (11-free), IBN (11-free), Cirque Colors (10-free), Karma Organic (7-free), Cote (6-free) - and Pure (16-free) was one of the more reasonably priced of them and with the least toxicity. Do your own research and consider switching to a healthier and more humane option.