Here is the scoop of what was shared at the party while enjoying some delicious refreshments provided by both Recycle Brevard and some generous local restaurants (*):

Recycle Brevard
Recycle Brevard is a call to action that evolved from an initiative to a Florida not-for-profit corporation to a 501(c)3 public charity. You can read all about that on
New Chapter, New Logo
To mark the change in status, Recycle Brevard, now a 501(c)3, was given a new logo. Our unique R identifies us and will slowly replace the old logo. We are in the process of reorganizing and updating our website, Facebook page, business cards, etc. This is a process and will be done gradually. We will be introducing more changes later on. Stay tuned!
3rd Annual Recycle Brevard Festival
We did an event recap and presentation of certificates to sponsors and participants. Sponsors who were not present will have their certificate either hand-delivered or mailed to them. We do appreciate all the support we received last year!
4th Annual 3Rs and Beyond Family Festival
The change in name was motivated by a need to better identify the many things we do -- the festival has a lot more to offer to our local families than just recycling.
We announced what the festival will bring this year.
For this year’s festival, we will be collecting gently-used items (toys, shoes, and clothes) for the children of Devereux and will host our traditional Toy Swap for all children in the community to participate.
We are partnering with Preserve Brevard and already started distributing our sponsorship packet and exhibitor registration form. More information will be made available through and Facebook.
We have a lot of new, exciting activities planned. Already confirmed, we have hands-on science - B-Stem, oyster mat making - Brevard Zoo, Hook Kids on Fishing - Anglers for Conservation, crafts from reusable materials - EFSC Education Dept., movies from The Story of Stuff Project, and super guest speakers Lily M. and River Grace, to name a few.
Some activities are still in the works, like e-waste recycling drive, on-the-go recycling container making, environmental education award, park clean-up, creative recycling contest, skit performance, and even an early run right before the festival starts!
Needless to say, we are thrilled about this new chapter for Recycle Brevard and all the new activities we are planning for our upcoming festival.
We are counting on you being part of this celebration, too!
Last but not Least
We reminded everyone of some very cool events coming up, so take note:
August 20th
– Sustainable Floridians ($30 for 8-week course)
August 28th
– Understanding Amendment 1 (FREE)
September 27th
– The Caracara 5K Run at the Viera Wetlands ($25)*) Thank you for your support and the delicious food donated to our event:
• Amici’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria
• Carraba’s Italian Grill
• Love Bug’s Donuts & Bakery
• Olive Tree Greek Grill
• Pita Pit
• Thrifty Specialty Produce of Melbourne
Thank you to all who helped bringing this kick-off party to life and assisting...