That is when we received an unexpected gift: an email from a mentor for a local group of students. The email went on to explain that "one of my mentees (Lauren) found your website while searching for information on recycling and the environment. I just wanted to let you know that your information has been a big help to us!"
Thank you for the email and thank you, Lauren. That was wonderful to read and validates the reason why we started Recycle Brevard.
Recycle Brevard was created from a desire to share information to motivate more people to embrace the 3R's - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, but then it became much more.
We saw the need to bring the message and promote "hands-on" experiences to the community so others would realize what they could do and how important that would be for the environment and our lives.

In order to be able to do more, in 2013 we incorporated as a not-for-profit. That alone comes with its own set of new challenges and new opportunities -- oh, yeah, they normally come together if we pay attention -- and we are ready to tackle them all.
One more year and growing stronger. We are looking forward to what our fourth year will bring.
Cheers and...
Recycle Brevard!