The Cork Project
It started as a collection for Viera High School 3D Art class in 2013 that culminated in an art show at the Art Gallery of Viera in April 2014 but we are still collecting and using corks in our projects and sharing corks with whoever needs them!
We placed bins in different venues to collect wine corks. Total Wine and More in Viera still has our collection bin where anyone can deposit their used corks. We come to empty the bin and bring bags of corks back.
Some of other projects we created with those corks were racing cars at GrilleFest 2015, reindeer for Manatee's Environmental Club, and free bobbers (or any craft, really) for fishing distributed at Ocean Reef Beach Festival 2015.
The collection is ongoing, so if you are in need of some corks, stop by our facility in Rockledge.
Free Collection and Distribution of Reusable Items
Currently picking up reusable items (such as rope, pieces of Styrofoam, nursery pots, and egg cartons) from Elastec American Marine, Keep Brevard Beautiful Central Chapter, neighbors, and friends to take to Brevard County Farmer's Market, The Reusable Resources Adventure Center, and various schools in Brevard County -- among those are Viera High School, Manatee Elementary, and Brevard Community College Montessori School.
If you have items that you think could be reused and would like to donate or if you need used items (rejects, scraps, or simply not new) for projects, stop by our facility in Rockledge.
Every Second Saturday of the Month - Recycling at Beach Clean-Up
We bring our recycle bin and sign to collect any recyclables found during the Monthly Pelican Beach Clean Up in Satellite Beach Florida and participate in cleaning up that section of the beach. Always a great opportunity to take wonderful pictures and reconnect with nature!
Throughout 2012 - Recycle Brevard! 101
As part of our Recycle Brevard! 101 in 2012, starting Saturday, January 28th we were at the Suntree Outdoor Marketplace the last Saturday of each month and starting Thursday, February 2nd we were at the Brevard County Farmer's Market as part of their program Booth with a Cause the first Thursday of each month.
We brought information about the three-Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) and current events/competitions as well as materials (brown paper bags, plastic bags, strawberry containers, nursery pots, clean egg cartons, cardboard boxes, etc.) to share with the community and vendors. We were also there to collect those materials plus any other recyclables and Terracycle items that were brought to us.
December, 2012 - Recycled Art
This art display was created from recycled and reused materials for an art exhibit at Brevard Community College. It used Styrofoam cylinders, a cardboard box, and artworks made from recycled/reused items as well.
The display also included food that matched the theme: popcorn (to represent crumpled paper) in green America Recycles Day cups and marshmallow snacks made with white marshmallow, pretzel stick, chocolate frosting, and colorful cereal (that mimicked a flower arrangement.)
November, 2012 - Green Christmas
The tree was saved from being thrown away and all its ornaments were made from natural, reused, and recyclable materials. From the tree top made out of sheets of Styrofoam to the Christmas balls made from cuts of plastic bottles and reused ribbon to natural pine cones, the tree represented our idea of a true green Christmas.
We used the America Recycles Day banners as the tree skirt (for display only) and added some ARD buttons as souvenirs for attendees who got really into the green spirit.
Auctioned for over $120.00, the tree was a successful recycling project!
October, 2012 - Mr. Scary the Scarecrow
This upside-down scarecrow was created from recyclable and reused materials collected by Manatee Elementary's Environmental Club (EClub).
Besides the scarecrow, crows made out of toilet paper rolls and cardboard, and pumpkins made out of toilet paper rolled in reused fabric were added to the display to complete the scene.
EClub kids helped making the scarecrow and named it Mr. Scary.
Mr. Scary participated in Viera Voice's 2nd Annual Harvest Festival representing the club and raised funds to be applied in the club's future projects.Way to go, Mr. Scary!
March, 2012 - Art on a Rain Barrel
As part of the Brevard County Fair, we painted a rain barrel to enter the Rain Barrel Contest. We did not win anything, but it was a fun project to do with my
daughter and now we have our own personalized rain barrel in the garden!
March, 2012 - Recycling and Reuse
Also for the Brevard County Fair, we created an Easter Bunny for the Creative Recycling/Reuse Contest from recycled and reused materials:
- Ears: plastic spoons
- Head: yogurt bottle cap
- Arms: plastic spoons
- Body: plastic tube (chocolate bon-bons), fabric (flower arrangement wrap), and heart (Valentine's Day decoration)
- Feet: cardboard, decorated foil (helium balloon), and bottle caps
March, 2012 - Eco-Saurus Art
It took us a few days to gather the material and put it all together, but in the end we were very proud of our work. We dropped off our baby triceratops at the zoo on March 10th. We waited until Eco-Friendly Fair Day happens on March 17th and hear the results: our Baby Triceratops won 3rd place!
November, 2011 - Green Christmas
We made a tree out of recycled materials to feature at the King Center's Festival of Tree. The tree was donated by Virginia Gaylor, from Keep Brevard Beautiful Central Chapter, and the other ornaments were made mostly with items collected by Manatee students who participated in the America Recycles Day scavenger hunt activity. The "Green Christmas" tree was taken to King Center (3865 North Wickham Road - Melbourne, FL) the day prior to the event that ran from Saturday, November 19th 10 a.m.- 5 p.m through Sunday, November 20th 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Green Christmas had a few bidders and the highest bid was of $50.00.
October, 2011 - Recycrow
We created a scarecrow, RecyCrow, our recycle crow, to participate in the have participated in the Viera Scarecrow Stroll with Keep Brevard Beautiful. Our scarecrow was completely made of recyclables and reused materials and stayed at display outside Viera Voice's office (7630 N. Wickham Rd., Suite 105, Viera, FL 32940) for a week.
Month of September, 2011 - Spoon Art
In partnership with Redberry and Viera High School, we created a project to collect Redberry's colorful spoons during the month of September and deliver them to Dr. Susan West, VHS Art teacher, to be used as supplies in her 3D Art class. For one month we were able to divert about 4,000 spoons from the landfill. Students created spoon sculptures that were displayed at Redberry's. The spoon art was then auctioned at Redberry's in a silent auction in the month of December.
The main goal of the project was to bring awareness to our local residents and get the community involved in a recycling project. We had an article, Recycle Brevard turns plastic spoons into sculptures, published in Hometown News local newspaper and a video, 3D Art Recycling, made by Viera High School students TV Crew to help spread the word. Many thanks to all who participated. The project was a great success!