Would you like to know what to do with the things you CANNOT put in your recycle bin? Keep on reading!
The solid waste facilities accept multiple items. To learn which ones you can take to the facility closest to you, visit http://www.brevardcounty.us/swr/
For the things they do not accept, there are still alternatives:
- The Recycle & Reuse Directory lists different places where you can take your stuff.
- The DRS Recycling Center takes cardboard, glass, plastic, aluminum, and household white paper outside in the back of the building; greeting cards, eye glasses, Box Tops for Education, coffee mugs, soda can tabs, cell phones, old wall calendars (with pictures), and plastic bottle caps inside at the lobby. They also have a list of other places where you can take other types of material. You can find that list at http://satellitebeachrecreation.org/RecyclingOpportunities.aspx.
- Publix takes egg cartons, (not from meat) foam trays, plastic bags, clean ziploc bags, paper bags, plastic sleeves from dry cleaning and newspapers. And, by the way, don't forget to bring your reusable bags when doing your groceries!
- Reuse them! There are some creative ideas out there and http://www.ehow.com/how_5313525_use-recycled-materials.html is a good place to start and at http://lawrencoope.wordpress.com/recycling/projects-what-do-i-do-with-those-non-recyclables/ you can find good links to ideas too.
- Give them away! Some items that sometimes seem pretty unusable might still have a life in somebody else's home. Some ideas were published on Florida Today's page http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20110410/COLUMNISTS0401/104100302/Dave-Larimer-s-Help-Where-recycle-big-plastic-items. Check it out!
So you are left with no excuses...
Recycle Brevard!